The Fashion Colors
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Lana Volkov: the wonderful world of shoes

Made in Italy told through the footwear of the fashion designer Lana Volkov.

Lana Volkov SheSince childhood, shoes have been his best friends.

The goal of the Lana Volkov brand is to enhance and increase trust by creating colorful, sophisticated and elegant shoes made in Italy. Harmoniously combine traditional and innovative shoe designs that define style and create desire.

Design shoes that achieve the perfect balance between modern luxury design and sophisticated charm. Lana Volkov’s shoes are a celebration of color, they are unique and incredibly glamorous.

Lana Volkov’s interview

Where did your passion for fashion come from and how did you manage to turn it into a profession?

Lana Volkov

As a child I was known to have at least 6 outfit changes a day and, as time went by, my curiosity grew. One day when I was about 5, I snuck into my mother’s wardrobe and found her beautiful collection of “Made in Italy” shoes.

I think that was ‘the defining moment’ of my life when the shoes became my dream, my destiny and my best friends. Since that day, I used to sneak into her room and try on all the shoes, pretending I was walking on a runway.

My dreams have not disappeared with age, I knew that designing and making shoes in Italy was what I wanted to do in my life, and I knew that someday I would turn my dream to reality.

Alas, only in fairy tales do dreams come true with the help of a magic wand. in reality, one needs to work on it, so I immersed myself in the fashion world, and decided to focus not just on footwear but on clothing too. To gain an experience in both sectors, I worked in several clothing and footwear boutiques where I learnt the ropes of the fashion’s ‘back stage’.

After finishing my schooling, I enrolled in University and studied Industrial Design specialising in a custom-made footwear design. This helped me to develop and broaden my skills as a shoe designer.

During these years, I interned for various footwear companies, worked for various clothing and footwear brands, freelanced as a shoe designer and worked as a cobbler making custom-made shoes for both men and woman.

I saved some money and travelled across Asia where I sourced beautiful fabrics, silks, lace and leather. I collaborated with small factories, learnt pattern making and produced small runs of clothing and swimwear which I then sold on fashion trunk shows, in the stores and markets.

In 2015, with the profits saved, I began my first adventure in Italy, ‘hunting’ for the dream factory which will turn my sketches into the wold-best Italian made shoes. Five years later, here I am, living my dream in Bologna, where I’ve opened my company and produced four collections of shoes.

Where do you take inspiration from to create the new collections?

Lana Volkov

I am inspired by all and anything that the surrounding world offers – the sunshine in the morning, the colour of the flowers or the little market stalls, the streets of ‘old Italy’ and the ‘mad’ designs of the ‘new generation’ of artists…inspiration is very fluid and dynamic.

Anything can be a trigger for a new design idea, whether it’s something I experience, or touch, maybe something I see or even a fleeting emotion.

Design is a rich tapestry made of sensory and intellectual experiences.

Here is the inspirational story – something I cannot forget

It was a winter time

Beautiful night, about 7.30 pm.

Train stop

A man standing under the street lamp

Snow falling creating a silvery-sparkling fall

The man had the most magnificent face – dark main of hair ‘sprinkled’ with snow, huge, dark, ‘old soul’ eyes which seem to know it all…

The man held a huge bunch of beautiful red roses

…and the man was a hunchback…

Things do not have to be epic and big to make an impression on our hearts. They can be like a photo shoots – just some moments of life which for one or another reason ‘jumped’ out and stayed with you…

Is there a material that recurs most in the collections or that inspires your creativity?

Lana Volkov: the wonderful world of shoes - The Fashion Colors

I wouldn’t say there is a specific “material”, but I do carry over various “elements” or “themes” in my collections.

Imagine a beautiful flower in a gentle spring breeze or the celebration of colours when you look at the birds of paradise…

The life itself in all its glory, the nature in its’ beauty and delicacy, the boldness and uniqueness of colours and textures that inspires my creativity. One of the examples would be the re-occurring theme of the multi coloured and mixed leather tassels symbolizing the spring breeze, freedom of colours, life and movement…

I am a big lover of bright colours, bold textures and motion as the representation of life. I create shoes which do not just complement a gown or complete a ‘look’ – I create shoes to be noticed, to be fallen in love with…they are sensual and sophisticated, they are an expression of the woman’s soul.

In which context, event or time of day do you place your creations?

Inspiration cannot be timetabled; it cannot be caged. It comes and goes as it pleases and hardly ever comes ‘on command’ when ‘asked’… However, one cannot work only when ‘inspired’ and I do try to work consistently with ‘the best creative time’ being in the evenings.

The lockdown caused by Covid19 has slowed down the Fashion system 2020, how are you reacting?

I am a believer in “After the rain, comes a rainbow”. I also believe in REASON behind any event.

As for everyone, the COVID19 period was not easy on me. Not many people were looking for the dressy “red carpet” shoes as all the celebrations and events were shut down. The factories that produced my shoes were also closed.

However, I used the ‘down time’ to stop, to think and to reflect…

I have designed two new beautiful collections and have continued looking for innovative ways of reaching my customers. Now I am about to launch my e-commerce site.

I believe that after the COVID19 period will become yet another page in the history, people will be more than ever ready to celebrate life, colours and the events.

Speech Fashion SystemMore info about Lana Volkov

Make shoes to become part of a woman’s life. Each creation has a deep and sophisticated personality, a quality that pushes the boundaries of the best realization, guaranteeing an impeccable and comfortable touch.

Her first collection was launched in Paris last summer during the fashion week, and represented a beautiful launching pad for her in the fashion sector. The second “REBIRTH” autumn winter 2021 collection was launched this year in Milan at the White fair and then at the Premiere Classes in Paris where it had really excellent feed.

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